Wednesday, March 2

Tendonitis Symptoms: Identification And Treatment

By Tom Nicholson

Tendonitis is a condition where the tendons; the fibrous tissue which connect your muscles to the skeletal system are inflamed. If you've ever experienced tendonitis yourself, then you know that tendonitis symptoms can include pain which ranges from mild to severe. The factors which affect the severity of this pain include how much strain is placed on the tendon, whether or not you're adequately hydrated and others, including unconscious movement of the muscles attached to the inflamed tendon. If you're experiencing pain which you are unsure but suspect may be tendonitis symptoms, this article is for you - read on for a few of the characteristic signs of tendonitis.

Restricted Range Of Motion

One common sign that you may have tendonitis might have trouble moving the part of their body attached to the inflamed tendon. If you have tendonitis in your upper arm, for instance, it may be difficult to extend your arm or to move it normally.

Pain during Movement

In the early stages of tendonitis, symptoms such as pain may happen only when strain is placed on the inflamed tendon. Your tendons can be strained by any repetitive motion or strenuous activity including sports or physically demanding work.


When your tendonitis progresses, this can cause persistent pain, whether or not you're actually straining the tendon at the moment. You might also experience pain when you touch the area and notice that there is some swelling in the area.

Burning Sensation

Some people have reported a burning sensation around the affected area. Most of the time this type of pain is only felt after strenuous activity or late at night. It is best to rest the area as much as possible to prevent these and other painful tendonitis symptoms.

Other Symptoms

One thing which it is important to remember is that other conditions including bursitis, carpal tunnel syndrome and arthritis have symptoms which are similar to tendonitis symptoms. If you suspect that the pain you're experiencing might be tendonitis, you should see your doctor for an accurate diagnosis.


The first step in treatment is prevention and to do this you must have a good idea of the things that can cause tendonitis symptoms. For the most part the biggest culprit when it comes to tendonitis is repetitive motion. Tennis elbow, golfers elbow and other sports related tendon problems are all forms of tendonitis. You have to stop the stress if you are going to prevent or treat tendonitis.


Use ergonomic sports equipment and office furniture

Live a healthy lifestyle with good diet and regular exercise

* Stay within a normal range of motion

Prevent yourself from straining through stretching beyond your normal range of motion

Do not place too much strain on any one joint


Use cold or heat to reduce inflammation

Splints or wraps to prevent worsening the injury

* Anti-inflammatory medications

Ultrasound therapy

* Physical therapy to strengthen the area

* Cortisone injections

* Surgery

Any and all treatment steps should be with the knowledge and cooperation of your family physician. As stated above there are other issues that can cause similar symptoms and you need to be sure it is tendonitis symptoms you are dealing with, before you treat.

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