Wednesday, March 2

Tendonitis Symptoms and it's Varied Causes and Treatments

By Tom Nicholson

The tissues which facilitate our movement are the tendons; these tough, fibrous tissues connect our muscles to our bones. Tendonitis is a condition in which these tissues are inflamed. The condition is known by a number of different names, depending largely on where the inflammation is. Inflammation in the knee or elbow may be known as jumper's knee or tennis elbow, respectively.

Tendonitis symptoms are usually due to repetitive strain; over time, repetitive motion can cause tears in tendons, leading to inflammation. The pain tendonitis causes can be anywhere from a mild annoyance to nearly debilitating, depending how long the inflammation has lasted. Continuing to place strain on the tendon will worsen the damage and with it the inflammation and pain. However, the condition can be prevented from becoming worse through the use of wraps or splints to keep the area at rest. Hot and cold compresses and anti-inflammatory medications can reduce the swelling and pain of tendonitis while it the tendons heal.

To prevent permanent damage, you have to be able to identify tendonitis symptoms and seek treatment before the condition progresses. The following are the most common symptoms of tendonitis.

* Pain


* Area may feel warm to the touch

* Restricted movement especially first thing in the morning or late in the evening


Burning sensation

* Area can be painful to the touch

Preventing Tendonitis Symptoms

With any injury, prevention is the best medicine of all. You don't have to refrain from physical activity, but you will have to exercise caution when engaging in these activities.

Failing to warm up before and cool down after exercising is one thing which can lead to tendonitis. Warm up by stretching before a workout; this makes your muscles and tendons flexible. Cool down after you exercise by stretching as well.

Many people suffer tendonitis symptoms because of everyday stress on the joints. This happens when you are severely overweight and can cause significant knee and ankle problems. The best way to combat this is by losing as much excess weight as possible.

Improper form in any situation can lead to tendonitis symptoms. Whether you are on the tennis court or in front of your computer at work all day, it is important to position your body correctly during all kinds of work and play. For work situations, you can add ergonomic equipment such as specially designed keyboards and adjustable chairs to help you achieve the most natural placement of your hand, arms, and elbows and so on.

Your form while exercising or playing a sport can help you to avoid tendonitis. Make sure to get the advice of a professional on proper form whenever you take up a new sport to make sure that you don't stress your tendons or overextend yourself and cause damage to yourself in the process.

There are a lot of different ways to prevent tendonitis as well as to treat the condition. Hot and cold compresses can help to reduce the pain and inflammation, while using splints and wraps can help you keep the area stable so you can rest. If you feel pain, burning or swelling while engaging in physical activity, stop what you're doing and seek treatment.

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