Wednesday, March 2

A Quick and Easy Wrist Braces Guide

By Tom Nicholson

If you are thinking about the best ways to keep your wrists healthy or if you are concerned about wrist pain, wrist braces may be something you need to check out. Wrist braces are used to keep the wrist firmly in place to prevent inflammation and or irritation; they are basically a support device. Many people use them throughout the course of their normal day. The thing you have to remember is these are not a cure all, if they are not used appropriately that can actually cause more harm than good. You should do a bit of research into wrist braces and their applicable uses before you strap one on.

The first bit of information you will need is when it is appropriate to wear wrist braces. There are several instances when a brace is the perfect answer to your symptoms, for example strains, sprains, arthritis, repetitive motion injury and even swelling are conditions that will benefit from wrist braces. Carpal tunnel is another time that wrist stabilization is super important; shifting this joint around can further inflame and irritate carpal tunnel syndrome as well as tendonitis. Of course, keep in mind that though these situations merit the use of wrist braces, that use should be temporary.

The benefits of wrist braces are many, if you use them appropriately. This means in a way that prevents further irritation or injury. Of course, inadequate sizes and other common errors can actually lead to more damage. A wrist brace is designed to encompass the wrist and apply compression to the joint in order to offer more stability, particularly with the way you hold your hand. When you flex or stretch with the brace on you are going to notice that it is much easier to maintain a neutral wrist position. You will be able to avoid injury or inflammation with the steadier range of motion wrist braces provide.

Now you must couple the above knowledge with what you should never do with a brace. A wrist brace should never be used on a consistent basis. People are prone to using their wrist brace far longer than is necessary, and this causes them more problems in the long run. When you use them consistently, your wrist becomes dependent on the extra support. Instead of making, your muscles do to the major part of the work you provide artificial support. This can lead to irreversible problems such as severe muscle atrophy and you could begin to see skin tissue tearing when it should bend easily. Support for an injured tendon or joint is necessary for a time, just not an extended amount of time.

Do some research about wrist braces and how to use them. This will be important to you further along the line and the more effort you put into it now the better you will be when the time comes.

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