Wednesday, February 16

Rosemary- Not Just for Cooking

By Paul King

While the herb rosemary is found in a variety of culinary dishes, it also has health benefits in addition to it's great taste. Certain types of digestion disorders can be helped when those suffering from it eat it. It can also help to ease headache pain.

The ingredients that are found in rosemary that are the most beneficial are caffeic acid and rosemarinic acid. These both act as antioxidants and also anti-inflammatory agents. These two active ingredients are very successful in helping with heart disease, liver disease and asthma.

There multiple ways that you can begin adding rosemary into your diet in order to receive maximum benefits of this herb. One idea is to add some of the leaves into your soups and stews as well as meat and fish dishes. You will also be giving your foods a subtle flavoring by adding this aromatic plant. Rosemary also tastes great with lamb, pork and other beef. Don't forget that you digestive system will run better as well.

You can also add the leaves to a cup of tea for added flavor and advantage. Try adding a bit the next time you make frittatas or omelets. This also tastes very delicious when added to a roasted chicken. An easy way to create a butter for your bread is to mix rosemary leaves with olive oil. What a great snack!

The herb can also reduce the effects of Alzheimer's disease because it aids brain circulation. If you suffer from skin conditions, you can use rosemary to help promote blood flow and also use the aromatic plant as an antibacterial.

Your gallbladder can benefit because consuming rosemary will help to produce higher amounts of bile for digestion. IBS sufferers will also be happy to know that it can reduce bloating and intestinal cramping. This aromatic herb also helps fight yeast infections because it flushes the yeast bacteria out of your system. Rosemary acts as a fungicidal and in doing so it destroys yeast and candida yeast infected cells.

By subtly adding rosemary to different dishes and beverages you will be benefiting your body regardless of health issues or if you are quite healthy. You do not need to do a major diet overhaul but just add a little and you will start to notice an improvement.

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