Wednesday, February 16

Any Simple Exercise To Do At Home To Lose Weight?

By Abdul Matynne

Many of us when it comes to a certain age will start fighting off excess fat. Losing unwanted fat and trimming off excess calories can only come from a combination of the right workout regimen and of course the proper diet. The right exercise program can be done at home with any simple exercise to do at home to lose weight.

Prior to starting any workout routine, even if performed at home, a good mental attitude is needed. One has to have the right positive outlook and perked up awareness to keep the body hyped and energized. Only once this has been achieved can a good workout occur.

To begin your regimen in the house, you must start out with some form of aerobic exercise. Space permitting, you may also run around the house for building up a good sweat. If space is an issue, then running in place briskly should do just as well. Try to run around or in place for 30 minutes really warm up and get your blood circulating. Wearing heavy clothes can be done to increase the effect and sweat.

Following the warm up running, do exercises that will have you do some twisting and stretching. These types of exercises can be leg stretching, hip twists and shoulder turns. These exercises will help in getting rid of fat around your waist areas known as obliques and also your thigh area.

Muscle mass is gained by lifting weights at the gym but you do not need weights to do the same at home. In the absence of weights you can actually use your own body weight to achieve the same result. To build up your chest and back shoulder muscles you can do several repetitions of push ups.

Another good and simple routine using your own weight is called chair dips. Get two high backed chairs and make their backs face each other. Stand in the middle of the two chairs and grip the backs and raise your legs. Dip your body up and down until your shoulders are parallel to the chair backs. This is also a great fat burner while building your deltoid muscle area.

No workout would ever be complete without the ubiquitous sit up and its many diverse variations. These exercises are good for abdominal muscles and for trimming fat from the abdomen, but you need to do plenty of repetitions everyday to see any effect. Prior to doing this place a small cushion at the small of your back to avoid injury.

The above has shown many types of do it at home exercises you can do. Many can be searched on the internet if you need more variety. Once you begin any workout routine or program however, do stay committed and focused to achieve maximum results.

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