Thursday, February 17

Exploring A Hot Flashes Treatment That Works

By Liana Badea

Hot flashes can be a very disturbing symptom of perimenopause or menopause. During menopause, a woman may experience a lot of fluctuations in hormones. As a result, she may experience a feeling of excessive heat in the face and upper body. She also may experience other symptoms like anxiety and sweating. After the initial feeling of heat, a feeling of a chill may follow. Low estrogen levels are a common cause of these symptoms. It may take some time to find an effective hot flashes treatment, as there are several options to look into.

Prescription Strength Estrogen

When a woman sees her doctor about menopause, he or she may check her hormone levels. Based on the tests, she may receive prescription estrogen for her symptoms. Yet, there are some women that may be hesitant to take prescription estrogen. There is a link to prescription estrogen and some forms of cancer.

Phytoestrogen Therapy

Phytoestrogen therapy is seeing wide spread use, these days. Many consider it to be safer than prescription estrogen medications. Phytoestrogens are very similar to the estrogen that a woman's body produces. They are taken from plant based sources.

There are several kinds of phytoestrogen products on the market today. They are available to the public without the need for a prescription. A product made from soy, often called soy isoflavinoids, is a very popular choice. There are also supplements that contain black cohosh. Some women also have some degree of relief from flaxseed and flaxseed oil products.

You may wish to try other supplements like dong quai or wild yam. Red clover is another popular choice for menopause symptoms. These supplements may be available in single form, but many are a combination of several.

Therapy with Biodentical Hormones

Biodentical hormones are made to be identical to hormones found in a woman's body. Products like estrodial or estriol are synthesized from natural sources like soy products. Synthetic estrogen and progesterone are available this way. The female body does not know the difference between hormones in the body and biodentical hormones.

Final Thoughts

Menopause or perimenopause can cause many frustrating symptoms for women. Your doctor can test your hormone levels and prescribe a treatment. However, many women are turning to natural supplements like phytoestrogens. They come in the form of isoflavinoids and black cohosh. There are also many other types like red clover and wild yams. Biodentical hormones are manufactured to be identical to the ones found in the body. They are taken from plant sources and may be taken as a hot flashes treatment. Before taking any supplements or medications, it is always best to seek medical advice, first.

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