Saturday, February 19

Are You Experiencing the Symptoms of Supraspinatus Tendonitis?

By Tom Nicholson

Supraspinatus tendonitis or what is commonly known as rotator cuff tendonitis is the most treated form of tendonitis. The rotator cuff is made up of many tendons and it is the supraspinatus tendon that connects the shoulder blade to the arm bone, and it is the tendon that is most susceptible to tendonitis.

What often causes this problem are repetitive movements like the arm movements one makes when playing tennis and some other sports. Some sports can cause supraspinatus tendonitis but there are some sports that will probably cause the problem more than others will. Either way the pain can be abominable.

When it comes to tendonitis that is sports related, tennis players and baseball players are more at risk as well as swimmers, and golfers. Supraspinatus tendonitis does not only develop in people that play sports though, as there are certain jobs that have more chance than others and it is jobs like carpentry, painting, and decorating will cause this condition. Certainly, the condition starts in the shoulder or the arm that is used the most.

How do you know if you have supraspinatus tendonitis?

Usually the condition will begin with pains in the shoulder, but for some people it can spread down the arm and even across the chest area. Any arm movement can lead to a lot of pain. Sufferers will also see that sleeping can be hard because any weight being placed on the arm or shoulder will cause much pain.

If you do not seek treatment, the problem will increasingly become worse and soon it will be impossible to move the arm without feeling agonizing pain. When it reaches this stage, people that have this condition try to not move their arm but this ends up causing the shoulder joint to become increasingly stiff.

As well as having pain and stiffness, you can also experience bruising and noticeable swelling near the immediate area. The shoulder may also look red, and tender to the touch, with internal swelling.


If the condition gets to a late phase, there is no other choice but to go and seek the help of a doctor. Often medications like painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs are used in a combined effort of physiotherapy to bring back the movement. If the problem results in the tendon being badly damaged, you may need surgery.

If you play a sport or do a job that requires much repetitive arm movements, and you start experiencing a dull ache in your shoulder, do not ignore the pain thinking that it will go away. Know that rotator cuff tendonitis can result in much pain and because of that reason; you must get help as soon as possible.

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