Friday, February 11

Amounts Available Versus The Health Benefits While Vegetable Shopping

By Diana Lensbury

Shopping for vegetables in a supermarket can be a very difficult process because of the limited amount of a certain produce item available at one time. While some places do offer an organic selection, it is usually small in comparison to non-organic items. Many local growers are not able to sell their products in the larger chain stores either. It is for this reason, that if availability allows, it can be more beneficial to try and find produce at a local farmers market or fruit and vegetable stand.

Supermarkets usually have to have their produce shipped in from commercial farmers all around the world. For this reason, it may take days before the items hit the shelves and are available for purchase. This limits the amount of health benefits to the consumer, as the shortest amount of time between harvesting and consumption supplies the most vitamins and minerals.

Regional farmers try to supply their produce to the stands as quickly as possible so as to reduce the amount of spoilage to their crops. Using less chemicals and pesticides to preserve the vegetables for longer periods of time means that they are a healthier option, but will not last as long. Some grocery stores do offer organic selections, but there is usually not a great amount to choose from.

Fresher vegetables are not only healthier because of the benefits they provide, but they also taste better. Without the extra preservatives or need to freeze and thaw the flavor is more natural and of a higher quality. Many times the chemicals limit the taste or change it slightly.

In contrast, the varying types of produce available at the local markets are limited by what can be grown in the area in which the person resides. So, the availability of different varieties of the same type of vegetable or certain vegetable may be very limited.

Using both the local markets and the grocery store allows a consumer to support the regional economy, while providing them with the largest selection possible. This increases the types of produce to choose from and the health options available. Locals are usually better able to provide advice on how to choose items that are the ripest as well.

Although it can be very difficult to understand how to best shop for vegetables, especially when weighing all of the options available, it is important to consider both health and taste. The agricultural aspects of a given area will limit what can be grown, but for this the grocery store can make up. So, while trying to maintain the freshest diet possible, also consider a broad selection.

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