Tuesday, March 1

How to Finally Get Those Sexy Six Packs Abs

By Tim Williams

Let me ask you two questions. First, how many sit ups have you done to date, but still not seen any visible signs of a six pack? Secondly, how many pieces of home gym equipment have you stored under the bed or in the garage that you didn't touch after New Year's Day? The truth is that you gave up on these things a long time ago because they flat out do not work, am I right?

This is the explanation why people with more than a good amount of stomach fat move from fad diet to fad diet every so often. And it's the same exact reasoning that these diets generate enormous amounts of profits from these desperate people wanting their own set of sexy washboard abs. Just the same is that's why you're always seeing on those tv informercials a new technique or system that swears you'll have the quickest and sexiest set of abs with the least amount of work involved. They've mastered the chase for the dream for these people that they fall for every single time. These people buy on emotion and rarely even give much thought in the purchase.

But just think about it for a second, if those fads actually worked, then why are so many new ones being released each day, week, month or year? If they truly worked, then there would be no need for new equipment or special diets would there?

All you need to know about getting a lean body and real six pack abs is to lower your overall body fat ratio to around 10%.In order to do this, it's all about raising your metabolic rate. This will allow you to burn fat alot faster than normal, even long after you've finished your actual exercise routine. This leads us to the question, which exercise routine should you focus on in order to raise your metabolic rate?

So you should know there are many different routines for your abs and total body exercises that can help in your quest for six pack abs. There are different cardio routines, different strength building routines and also many different weight training systems. It is very important you figure out which routine is best for your taste and one that can keeep you motivated towards your six pack ab goal.. But also you should know that another big piece of the puzzle is to understand that your nutrition and what you eat can play an even more important aspect in how quicly you can start seeing your results. Avoid quick fad diets at all costs because these are usually quick fix solutions that might work in the short term. But you'll not only probably lose these results after getting off this diet but you could unfortunately do much damage to you body.

You might have guess that foods that are lower in carbs and higher in protein content will have lower fat content and therefore is better for your quest to cut down your overal body weight and reveal your six pack abs. But you can't stop there either. You need to realize too that it's equally as important to watch your eating habits as well.

For example, instead of eating 3 set meals a day and feeling bloated after each one, try to break up your meals into several smaller portions throughout the day, which will help you to sustain your metabolism as a result. I know that it's all easier said than done, but I can assure you that once you settle into a comfortable routine that suits you, at not the magazines and fads, then you'll naturally build momentum and motivation when you start to see your body shape up the way you wanted it to.

Go to any book store and you'll notice there are plenty of books on How to Get Flat Abs Fast.

But if you're looking forward an all in one package that's proven to work check out In the popular book written by Mike Geary, the Truth About Abs will show you How to Get Flat Abs Fast and how to get your mindset right plus the proven methods that will guide you on what you should and and how in order to finally achieve that sexy washboard abs you thought you could never have.

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