Friday, March 4

The Connection Between Wrist Pains and Wrist Pillows

By Tom Nicholson

Are you someone who suffers from wrist pain? One thing that you cannot do when you are looking at wrist pain is ignore it! It is, after all, easy to ignore at first. You may start by feeling a little tingle in your wrists or you might even notice that your hand is moving a little slowly. However, as time goes on, you will find that the pain will grow worse and worse and when you take it to a doctor, you might hear something that you do not want to hear. This is why you need to consider what you can do to identify wrist pain that you might be experiencing and why you need to look into the low tech and easy to access support solutions help.

The Wrist Pain

Unfortunately, your wrist pain can and will affect your quality of life especially where the use of your hands are concerned. You will not be able to type as quickly, manipulate the mouse as dexterously, write as smoothly and use your fingers as nimbly as you previously did before wrist pain became a part of your life.

Your doctor should be able to tell you about the causes of your wrist pain. Keep in mind that it is but a symptom of joint, muscle and bone problems that include tendonitis, arthritis, ganglion cysts, bone fractures, muscle sprains and carpal tunnel syndrome. Yes, these causes are indeed more troubling than a simple wrist pain, not to mention more expensive to treat than buying a wrist pillow.

Arthritis and ganglion cysts are beyond your control, as they tend to be genetic, but when you are looking to make sure that you do not have issues with the other conditions listed, there are many things that you can do. For instance, simple care can help you make sure that you do not develop carpal tunnel syndrome or tendonitis and sprains and fractures are things that you can quickly identify.

Getting Good Wrist Support

When you are looking for ways to make sure that your hands and wrists stay in good shape, you will find that you should look into how many repetitive stress activities that you can avoid. Some of the main culprits include heavy shop work, racquet sports and weight lifting; at the very least make sure that you get the right training that will help you deal with these activities and the stress that they cause.

Another thing that can help you shore up the muscles of your wrist is the a wrist brace. A wrist brace will wrap around your hand and your wrist, giving you the ability to keep your wrist straight when you type as well as allowing your tendons to be supported. The issue is that you do not want wear a wrist brace for too long a stretch of time because it can also cause damage in the form of muscular atrophy.

You might also want to look into using a wrist pillow, which will cradle your wrists as you type or as you use your mouse. These delightful options can be made quite easily simply at home on your own and they can also make a huge difference.

Remember that when you are thinking about using wrist supports that there are several options open to you. Educate yourself on the issues that you can suffer when you are looking at wrist pain and consider how you can prevent them!

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