Saturday, March 5

Carpal Tunnel Treatments - Using Chiropractic Treatment

By Tom Nicholson

Newer studies are showing that visiting a chiropractor can be helpful for those who suffer from carpal tunnel. It can help just as much as conservative types of car, which can include pain killers and even splints on the wrist as well. As more research is done, it has shown that those with repetitive stress injuries can definitely benefit from chiropractic treatment. It can even help with healing and be just as helpful as other types of medicinal treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome.

Chiropractic practice is based squarely on the philosophy that in the human body's anatomy form follows function; so that our physical problems that aren't caused by some outside calamity like a car accident are the result of misuse or perhaps congenital mis-shapenness of the parts of our body. But specifically, chiropractic focuses on problems of the spine, for this is the great nervous system electrical energy conductor for our whole body.

Quite a few carpal tunnel patients are beginning to look to chiropractic medicine for some relief. Many like this option because they don't want to take drugs, they don't want to have any surgery, and they don't want to deal with immobilizers that can interfere with their life. Chiropractors are able to use other methods in order to treat problems with carpal tunnel.

Often manipulation is used in this type of medicine. It may include manipulation of the wrist, the arm, or even the spine of the patient. Spinal problems can actually relate to and even cause carpal tunnel. Sometimes making adjustments to the spinal column can be done with the hands to help, and often other types of tools are used, which are very safe.

Ultrasound therapy is often used for chiropractic treatment. Sonic waves are used with ultrasound. You can't hear them, but they are used on a certain part of the body. They are able to penetrate deeply into the tissue and can help to get rid of inflammation, pain, and even provide relaxation to the muscles, promoting healing.

And, DCs might put wrist supports on the CTS patient. These are used to prevent movement in the wrist so that no further irritation and inflammation can be caused. Wrist supports are typically worn just at night during sleep, so that during the work day there is not too much interference with the hand's functioning.

Another option that uses manipulation to help treat carpal tunnel is physical exercises. This option is very helpful as well and can definitely help to get rid of many of the carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms. It can even keep the problem from coming back. In some cases chiropractic treatment can be helpful, but it doesn't always work for every person. Exercises are easily used and can really be helpful to just about everyone. It also can save on the expenses that come along with treatment from a chiropractor. So you may want to try out these exercises to prevent and treat problems with carpal tunnel syndrome.

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