Monday, February 28

Teenage Weight Loss Tips For Daily Use

By Diana Lensbury

It can be a difficult world for a teenager with all of the new experiences and decisions expected from them. Making right and wrong decisions seems easy in theory, but add peer pressure into the mix and some smart decisions are as good as gone. Couple that with image issues and you have one difficult time on your hands. Weight is a big issue for everyone, finding great teenage weight loss tips to help you get and stay healthy is important to your success.

Being overweight does not mean you are lazy, it may mean you have never been taught what foods are healthy and what bad foods do to you. Keep in mind losing weight is something you can control, you have the power to make a difference in your life. You just need to put the right actions into motion so you can do it.

Teenagers tend to have better metabolisms than adults do. This means teenagers can burn calories faster and longer than their parents during the same activities. In order to keep your metabolism on the right track, it is important to feed it healthy foods. Eating breakfast jump starts your body and gives it fuel to start the day, without it, you are running on fumes. Stay away from high fat pastries and junk as well as fatty meats like sausages and bacon, they are not healthy at any time of the day.

Talk to your family about what you would like for your lunches. If you pack your own lunch, include fruits and veggies along with a sandwich on whole grain bread. Skip the fattening mayo and go for a low fat option or substitute mayonnaise with fresh avocado spread. Eliminate chips and crackers, they taste great, but they are just adding unnecessary fillers and tons of fat. When purchasing school lunches, ask which options are the healthiest and opt for a piece of fruit over the fries every time.

For snacks try an apple, carrot sticks or a prepackaged 100 calories snack option. Do not hit the vending machine, just because licorice is fat free does not mean it is healthy. Avoid sodas as well as juice, there is no need to drink your calories. Some drink containers have more than one serving, which means you are having two glasses of juice totaling 300 calories in one sitting. If you are thirsty, drink water. In fact, you should be drinking water all day long, at least eight glasses per day.

For dinner, watch your portion sizes. Take smaller amounts, chew slowly and enjoy each bite. By eating slower, you are allowing your body to process the fact that is is getting nourished. Stop eating at the first sign of feeling full. By eating too fast, you do not sense you are full until it is too late.

Now that you have an idea how to eat throughout the day, it is time to get some exercise. Make use of your P. E. Class for what it is intended to do, have you exercise. No better time to burn calories than in a class which was designed to do just that. Skip the ride home and walk, you can burn calories while getting to where you need to be. Ask your teacher about using the gym and walk a couple laps after school to add some punch to you diet.

Almost everyone wants to look good, to feel good and to know others think so too. Taking care of yourself and eating healthy will help you feel better, look better and people will notice. Following these great teenage weight loss tips will help you on your way and give you a stable foundation for a healthy future.

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