Sunday, February 20

Teenage Weight Loss Tips And Tricks For Results That Work

By Diana Lensbury

Being a teenager is already a difficult task. You're discovering yourself and the world, you may be finding your place, or at least the place you do not want to be. It can be difficult to navigate the pathways for friendship, schooling and future, regardless of how much help you have. Add body image issues into the equation and it can make life a nightmare. There is no need to suffer inside about how you feel on the outside. Following a few teenage weight loss tips can help you get on track to a healthier you.

Being overweight does not mean you are lazy, it may mean you have never been taught what foods are healthy and what bad foods do to you. Keep in mind losing weight is something you can control, you have the power to make a difference in your life. You just need to put the right actions into motion so you can do it.

One of the best things about being a teenager is having a better metabolism than adults. It is easier for younger people to lose weight because of this, so it is imperative you learn the proper way to stay healthy now. You have probably heard the term, "breakfast is the most important meal of the day", well it's true. Eating a proper breakfast will give your body fuel and get your metabolism going so you can have an energy packed day. Make sure you make healthy choices, stay away from doughnuts, pastries, sugary cereal, and fatty meats. Go with fiber packed cereal, low fat milk, fruits and whole grain breads with low fat butter or jam.

Talk to your family about what you would like for your lunches. If you pack your own lunch, include fruits and veggies along with a sandwich on whole grain bread. Skip the fattening mayo and go for a low fat option or substitute mayonnaise with fresh avocado spread. Eliminate chips and crackers, they taste great, but they are just adding unnecessary fillers and tons of fat. When purchasing school lunches, ask which options are the healthiest and opt for a piece of fruit over the fries every time.

You are bound to get hungry during the day so pack a snack. Fruit is a great options as well and nuts or the prepackaged 100 calorie snacks. Stay away from the vending machine as well as the soda machine. If you do need a snack, try the trail mix and some water. Soda and juice are not good to drink all day. They have useless calories and will slow, if not stop you from reaching your goals.

At dinner time, cut back on the size of your meal and eliminate seconds. If you are having pasta, skip the bread and make a salad with low fat dressing as a main part of your meal. Do not add extra fat to your vegetables, for instance, there is no need to slather a tablespoon of mayonnaise onto your broccoli or a quarter cup of ranch on anything you eat. While eating, slow down, this way you can stop as soon as you feel full and you will bypass a lot of extras your body does not need.

Now that you have an idea how to eat throughout the day, it is time to get some exercise. Make use of your P. E. Class for what it is intended to do, have you exercise. No better time to burn calories than in a class which was designed to do just that. Skip the ride home and walk, you can burn calories while getting to where you need to be. Ask your teacher about using the gym and walk a couple laps after school to add some punch to you diet.

It is important for everyone to be a healthy weight. Not because of how one looks, but because of how our bodies work. We need to take care of ourselves so we can live long and healthy lives and participate in the activities which interest us. It can be difficult to lose the pounds, but every day you put off trying, is one more day further away from reaching your goal. Put these teenage weight loss tips into action and soon you will see yourself as a different person.

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