Monday, February 21

Exercises to Help with Carpal Tunnel Symptoms

By Tom Nicholson

If you are a sufferer of carpal tunnel syndromes, then you are probably tired of the daily and constant aggravation you receive as a result of this condition. If you work in an office then you are probably distraught because it has suddenly become very difficult to do your job properly. Perhaps your production has gone way down and you feel you are in danger of actually losing your job. On top of that, you aren't sure about how to go about fixing the problem. Is it going to take weeks of rehab? Are you going to need surgery?

Most people don't take care of their hands the way they should which is surprising when you consider how important the hands are. The hands are used constantly and are necessary to be productive and complete simple tasks. For people that make their living with their hands, they are even more important. The risk of getting carpal tunnel syndrome is real and taking steps to prevent it is important.

What is carpal tunnel syndrome and what causes it? This condition can affect the fingers, arms and hands and can be very painful. It normally strikes people that move their hands in a repetitive motion when doing a job or hobby. The condition happens when the median nerve becomes pinched at the wrist. This nerve runs the entire length of the arm and is held in place by the transverse carpal ligament. When this ligament become strained or stressed it will tighten itself around the wrist, causing a problem to the median nerve.

The symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome can range from slightly annoying to completely unmanageable depending on how long it goes without treatment and its severity. The symptoms can be as mild as a slight tingling in your fingers to numbness or burning from your fingertips to your forearm. There can be severe pain and total loss of use of the hands for short periods of time. When the posture is adjusted to take pressure from the wrists, back pain, shoulder pain, and neck pain can occur.

What can be done about carpal tunnel symptoms? Some people will seriously consider having surgery to lessen the symptoms and relieve the paid. However, this may be a little bit risky. Nobody know the actual end results of any kind of surgery and even a simple procedure like this can have catastrophic results if not administered properly.

Try an alternative method which involved better posture, regular breaks and stretching to be your barrier against carpal tunnel syndrome. Having better posture automatically takes the pressure off of your wrists and places it evenly across your body. Taking regular breaks allows you to stand up and stretch so that your body isn't always stuck in the same position. Stretching your hands-by pulling the fingers downward and upward so that the wrist bends and loosens-can pay monumental dividends for you.

It is very hard to comprehend what it would mean to go through life without having the use of your hands. It is critical for the health of your hands to do some preventative maintenance. Taking these few simple steps can keep your hands in tip top shape.

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