Monday, February 14

Everything You Need To Know About Colon Cleansing

By Sally Wright

Colon cleansing has become a most important aspect of health care. The main function of this part of the body is to eliminate waste from the body. Under normal circumstances, it will absorb water and other nutrients from the food that you digest in order to aid elimination. This will then be eliminated as waste in the stools that you pass.

Sometimes the body is unable to carry out this waste removal effectively. It is at this point that cleansing methods should be considered. Fecal matter that is not done away with may start to build up and rot inside the intestines. This toxic matter could poison other regions of the body. It will also stop the body from absorbing nutrients and vitamins into the bloodstream.

You may suffer from constipation, gas and abdominal pain if your intestine becomes blocked with undigested foods. Cleansing of the area can be done effectively by using different methods. There are many natural herbal remedies that will help. These can be taken in the form of teas or they can be used in the form of powders. Most of these are available as pills or capsules.

Psyllium has proven to be an effective and popular herb to be used when constipated. Flax seeds scattered over your morning cereal will help promote bowel movements. Aloe leaf has been known to have laxative properties. Garlic will assist in the reduction of parasites and it also aids in the elimination of toxins from the body. Fennel is very effective in removing mucus from the walls of your intestines.

A popular method of cleansing is hydrotherapy. During this procedure a tiny, disposable tube will be gently inserted into your rectum. Warm filtered water is gently passed through the tube, into the colon. This will remove the waste that is present.

An enema is a method similar to hydrotherapy. Although there are similarities in the method of treatment, only the lower region of the intestines will be cleaned. You may find that your overall general well-being will improve once you have carried out an effective colon cleansing.

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