Sunday, March 6

Availability Versus Health Benefits When Shopping For Vegetables

By Diana Lensbury

Shopping for vegetables in a supermarket can be a very difficult process because of the limited amount of a certain produce item available at one time. While some places do offer an organic selection, it is usually small in comparison to non-organic items. Many local growers are not able to sell their products in the larger chain stores either. It is for this reason, that if availability allows, it can be more beneficial to try and find produce at a local farmers market or fruit and vegetable stand.

Reducing the amount of time between picking and eating provides the greatest amount of health benefits. Supermarkets are in contract with commercial farmers all around the globe and it can take days for produce to get from them to the shelf. This limits the health benefits that are being provided to the consumer. To get the most vitamins and minerals, local vegetables will be more beneficial.

Local stands and markets try and get the produce out as quickly as possible so as to avoid spoilage. This also has to do with the fact that they tend to use less pesticides and chemicals than do large commercial farmers. While some organic products are available in the chain stores, it is usually a very limited selection.

When these vegetables have to ship, some suppliers will freeze them and then thaw them out as they are reaching the store. This inhibits the taste, as do the chemicals sprayed on them. So, not only is fresher healthier, it is also more tasty.

There are some downfalls of trying to shop local. The region is which a person resides is usually limited in the type of vegetables that it can grow due to weather and soil. For this reason, the grocery store does provide an option to increase the variety which one consumes.

Making use of both the grocery store and the local markets are going to provide the best selection of produce. Also, it will enable a person to obtain the most health benefits that they can while supporting the local economy. Those that run the local stand or market can also usually provide good tips on choosing the ripest vegetables.

Although it can be very difficult to understand how to best shop for vegetables, especially when weighing all of the options available, it is important to consider both health and taste. The agricultural aspects of a given area will limit what can be grown, but for this the grocery store can make up. So, while trying to maintain the freshest diet possible, also consider a broad selection.

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